Thursday, November 1, 2007

Raw Feet and Crickets

Got another late session in today after Kai went to sleep. After work today I really started craving a workout under the stars (I know it sounds a bit nerdy). It was so beautiful and quiet out tonight. All you could hear was the sound of the jump rope whistling in the air. Despite my bare feet pounding on the pavement and the speed rope stinging my toes on the mess ups, it really felt good to move even if it wasn't the hardest session ever.

Today's practice:
3 min. jump rope warm up
[20 2 handed swings 12 kg
20 sec. rest
1 min. jump rope]
Repeat the swings rest jump rope 6 times
2 min jump rope cool down

Practice snatches and windmills. I didn't count or care how many I got. I am just working on technique now.

1 comment:

Franz Snideman said...

Technique practice is the name of the game! Keep it up and you'll get to your goals!

Nice job!