Thursday, May 1, 2008


RKC has turned by head backwards. I thought for sure I wanted to stick with one on one training. It is what I love to do. But now I see such potential in group classes. I can reach so many more people and introduce them to the world of kettlebells. I know it sounds a bit corny. This is something I feel I need to share...especially with the deconditioned. It is a powerful and efficient way to train your mind and body. So I have been brainstorming to figure out how to start my new path.

In the meantime:
Yesterday: Off
Today was short and sweet:
1A. Hindu Squats 30 reps
1B. Hindu Pushups 10
1C. Pullups on Training Board (Wide big grip) 4
Superset with 1 minute rest between sets. 4 rounds.

Here is a video of our Graduation Workout:

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