Since getting back from RKC I should be a little more organized with my own practice. But I am not and I don't feel like being so structured right now. I am not training for anything particular so until I feel differently I will just stick to my buffet of movements. Spontaneity is beautiful.
Recent Practice:
3 sets each (rest between supersets):
1A. 2H Swings 20kg X 10 reps
1B. C & S 16kg X 5 reps
2A. Same as 1A.
2B. C & P 16kg X 4 reps
3. Countdown Ladder of 1H Snatches. 10 to 0. Took around 6 1/2 minutes. 12kg.
30 sec. sprints X 10
Today: No kettlebells...they are all at the gym and I don't want to go back.)
3 sets each.
1A. Pistols (Assisted by tubing) 3/3
1B. Rock Bottom Pullups 4
2A. Burpee(Pushup, Hop) 10
2B. Spiderman Pushups 20